Aug. E-news: Manifestation, Emotional Eating & more!

Hope summer is winding down well, and perhaps where you are, there’s a hint of fall coming. Not so much in Florida, but I would rather be warm! ☀️🏖️

You know that concept of “manifestation?” The thing where you say, OK, Universe. My focus is here. You know what to do.”

Yeah, that.

I was never a huge believer in the concept, but let me tell you, the last few months have been changing my mind! 🤯(What are you manifesting lately? When you reply to this email to tell me, I will answer!)

(In coaching, manifestation is kind of a cousin of establishing your long-term vision. Your vision is what you imagine your very best possible life looking like, and then together we figure out the small, manageable steps to move toward it. A vision is to coaching what the North Star is to sailors. You may not know exactly where you are going, but you know you’re heading in the right direction and you always have your vision as an anchor or guide, like the North Star.)

Here’s what happened: I enrolled in two long, in-depth business building programs. Coaching can be such a life-changing process and I want to do more of it. I have a Ph.D. in Psychology, three certifications, and decades of professional and life experience including my own health journey, and a servant’s heart behind it all. So I researched, I vetted, and I signed up!

Then guess what happened? (Manifestation…)

Not one, but TWO podcast invitations.

The first is out! Here it is:

Gretchen Holmes, Ph.D. has her own 100lb + weight loss story, and she uses her podcast, The Work In Between (is that not the coolest name?) as a labor of love to bring information and insight to anyone in the weight loss space who may need it. In the process, it keeps her focused and always learning about what she needs to do to stay the course herself. She keeps them at about 1/2 hour, so they aren’t too time-consuming (hint: I usually play them at 1.5 speed).

Our chat was about emotional eating. If you’re intrigued, have a listen! We talked about what it is, some signs, how our food industry contributes to it, a few tips for starting to make small changes, and much more. The episode right before mine was with Dr. Devin Vicknair, who talked about food addiction. Everything he said aligned perfectly with my Professional Food Addiction Coach certification. Also a really good one if you struggle with your eating.

The second podcast interview isn’t out yet. I’ll share when it is. It was a lot of fun, and for us Americans who love listening to an accent, you’ll want to listen to this one (hint: it’s not mine!) 🤣🤣🤣

Gretchen encouraged me to apply to speak at the World Obesity Conference in October, and I’ll be doing just that! This is in-person (in Baltimore), and virtual, so feel free to check it out (  ✈️🏨📚My talk is entitled:  “Stop Feeling Shame Around Food:  A 3-Part Framework to Overcome Emotional Eating for Good.”  Within a few months, I will be offering this talk to groups, companies, families, etc. Please let me know if you’d like to be on the list to know when it’s finalized and ready to schedule. It’s powerful material, all evolved from my Food Addiction Coach certification. I have a group coaching program already built around this framework, and we can work through it in 1:1 coaching too.

I suspect you already know if you’re an emotional eater. You probably are if you eat when you aren’t hungry; feel shame or humiliation or self-hatred after eating; if you eat until you are uncomfortably full; if you eat in secret; if you dread social outings for fear of being judged; if you have yo-yo dieted more times than you can count…. sounding familiar? If you feel like you might throttle them if one. more. person. tells you just need to eat less and move more, please call me for a free conversation. Let’s talk about where you are, what you want, what I do, and see if it all aligns.

Until next time, thank you for reading! ♥️♥️ You can always unsubscribe if you’re getting this through my website, or just reply unsubscribe to this email. But I hope you’ll forward to anyone who may be interested in this material, and please do so in its entirety and credit me. Don’t forget to check out Janet Frank Coaching on Facebook, or find me on LinkedIn (

To your good health,

Janet 🥰

Janet Frank, Ph.D., A-CFHC, NBC-HWC, PFAC

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach

Certified Professional Food Addiction Coach

Find me on LinkedIn

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