October E-news: Stress, holidays, and more!
Happy Fall, Everyone! Hope this finds you with cooler weather and some ability to find joy in your day despite the heaviness in the world. Much of health coaching, as a matter of fact, is about finding that balance. Many people find themselves consumed by the onslaught of terrible news these days. I would offer an
September Enews: healthy oils & more!
Greetings, and Happy September! Hopefully it's cooling off a bit and I hope this finds you happy and well. Thanks for reading, and I welcome topic ideas, questions, etc. You're welcome to contact me at [email protected]. Healthy and Unhealthy Oils In the last few newsletters, I shared a bit about the three biggies which contribute to inflammation:
August E-newsletter
Welcome to my August e-newsletter! Hopefully you're not sweltering too badly. It's been a hot summer! As I write this, I'm waiting for Hurricane Idalia to arrive. I'm maybe 60-70 miles southeast of the storm, and feeling grateful. It may be messy, but I still have power and A/C as of now! How the heck do
July E-newsletter, NEW!
Those of you subscribed for website updates, I've added a monthly e-newsletter. You still shouldn't ever receive more than one notice from me per week, as my website updates are not that frequent, but I'll include the newsletters here too. If you'd rather receive them directly, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I'll