
Why did the chicken cross the road?

Even in this age-old joke, it’s all about the reason. The Why. In health coaching, we’ll often start with a vision session. If that sounds too cliche for you, all it means is really getting in touch with your “why.” What is/are your most important reasons for wanting to make changes? Until you have a really clear vision of what your life will look like, feel like, who this will impact and how, etc., it’s going to much harder to push through the times when change is difficult. You have to be deeply aware of and passionate about your reasons for change. You don’t have to do a vision board… let go of any preconceived notions. As your health coach, I’m here as your partner to help you get in touch with what you really want. Not what you think others want for you, or what you’re “supposed” to want- what YOU want.

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