January 2024: Resolutions, Decisions, and Time, oh my!

Happy New Year! Already the 18th. Sure flies, doesn’t it?  🗓️

New Year’s Resolutions suck, really. Most people set them way too lofty, thinking what they “should” do, and don’t really take the time to reflect on what it will take to be successful, and more importantly, WHY they want to do it in the first place. If you care to read more, I wrote this about New Year’s Resolutions:https://www.linkedin.com/posts/janetfrankphdnbchwc_conversations-with-a-health-coach-can-help-activity-7147209032028536833-rF1F?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Coaching is the antidote to New Year’s Resolutions. 


I’ve shared the quote by Jason Gootman before, but it bears repeating:  “The word ‘discipline’ has been hijacked in our culture to erroneously mean making yourself do what you don’t want to do because it’s good for you. Discipline is actually knowing yourself really well, knowing what you need to be your most alive, and settling for nothing less. Real discipline has a spirit more like self-advocacy than self-punishment.”

OK, so I’m past December, but darned if this still doesn’t ring true, below. What would you like to let go of? How might a coach help you with that? (Consultations are free; let’s put our heads together!)

Here’s another zinger from Jason Gootman:


“Eat less, move more.”

Especially if you say it like this:

“Eat less (you gluttonous pig), move more (you lazy sloth).”


“Nourishing food, nourishing movement, nourishing life!”

(and now it’s Janet speaking again) Sometimes that “you gluttonous pig” insinuation comes from doctors, partners, well-meaning friends, etc. Sometimes it comes from us. Coaches place a premium on removing the shame from our internal dialogue. Stop struggling and reach out. If you struggle with your relationship with food, I have a Jan. 26 free, live informational Meet & Greet about my group coaching program, Understanding and Exploring Food Addiction. Come learn if it’s right for you. If you can’t make that time (details about registering for the Meet & Greet are here: https://janetfrankcoaching.com/group-coaching/ ) just email me and we’ll figure it out. [email protected]

Umm, hello.

Here’s a recipe I plan to try, and here’s a grams to ounces converter! https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=grams+to+ounces+conversion

1 pound ground chicken or turkey and mixed with 1 egg and 40g of Parmesan. Press into pan. Bake at 400 for 20 minutes

Top with veggies of choice. Recipe used spinach, red pepper and jalapeño. But I think it can be anything you like! I’d use a TON of veggies, though, and spinach seems like a must, or some finely shredded kale or brussels sprouts.

Mix up 3 eggs and 150g of egg whites and pour over veggies (I’d just use 4-5 eggs if it were me). Season. Recipe used a garlic and chili pepper seasoning, but I’m guessing this is pretty forgiving!

Top with 32g of Parmesan and bake for 25 minutes at 350. Could probably use any cheese you preferred. This looks pretty forgiving.

Here’s a fork in the road. 🙂 ARE YOU AT ONE? Contact me. I’d love to see if I can help. 

Todd Kashdan, Ph.D. on decision-makinghttps://toddkashdan.substack.com/p/decisions-with-purpose?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Cliff notes:  Move away from the overly simplistic: “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no!” and apply these criteria to deciding whether or not to say yes to something, and the explanation is in the full article. It was thought-provoking!   

1. Autonomy 2. Creativity 3. Impact 4. Money 5. Friends


  1. Will I be given sufficient freedom to think, act, and develop ideas?
  2. How novel/unique/original is this opportunity?
  3. If everything works exactly as planned, how will this benefit others?
  4. Will I be properly compensated to hustle on top of my primary job, family, friends, and dedicate significant time and energy?
  5. Will I be able to spend more time in the company of people I most enjoy being around?

James Clear nugget (author of Atomic Habits).

How’s it land with you?

“The days can be easy if the years are consistent. You can write a book or get in shape or code a piece of software in 30 minutes per day. But the key is you can’t miss a bunch of days.” 

Bonus James Clear on Time Management:

“The obvious way to buy back your time is to pay someone to do something for you. Pay the mechanic to change your oil or a dry cleaner to press your suit.

The less obvious way to buy back your time is to say no. Passing on a promotion might “buy” you more time with family. Declining the dinner invite might “pay” for the time you need to exercise. We buy back our time not only with the money we spend, but also with the opportunities we decline.

The more clearly you know how you want to spend your days, the easier it becomes to say no to the requests that steal your hours.”  🥷🥷🥷🥷 🕢🕙🕟

Speaking of stealing your hours, this is long enough and I thank you for reading. I’m incredibly grateful for shares and forwards, and my promise is to reply to every email.

To your good health,

Janet Frank, Ph.D., A-CFHC, NBC-HWC, PFAC

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach

Certified Professional Food Addiction Coach


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[email protected]

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