An autoimmune disease develops when the body’s immune system becomes confused and attacks its own tissues.  Rates of autoimmune disease have exploded in the last 50 years. One in five Americans suffers from an autoimmune disease, and conventional medicine has relatively few options for treatment, usually involving heavy duty medications which only manage the symptoms,

If you’re here, you might be thinking that since you’re past age 35, there are certain conditions that you will just have to deal with forever. I’m happy to dispel a few of the myths, and my wish would be that this article gives you a sense of hope and empowerment. (Later edit to this

“After age 35, good health doesn’t come to us anymore. We have to go get it.” Those were the words my physician said to me, after she informed me that I had Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition where the body makes antibodies that attack the thyroid, decreasing its function, and often requiring for medication for life. 

If you’re here, chances are you’re intrigued by the idea of reclaiming your health. You may have no idea what to do or where to start, and that’s OK. I can help. Perhaps you’ve already been to doctors who’ve told you that you need to make changes, but you struggle with how to do this on

If you’re here, you might be feeling some self-doubt. You’ve tried and failed so many times to lose weight, get more exercise, handle your stress better, and here you are, back at the same place. Then you feel down on yourself and demoralized and weak. I can help. Yes, you can change.  As a health coach,

When you think about making changes to your health behaviors, what are words that come to mind? Grit? Suck it up? Grin and bear it? Torture? Discipline? What if it didn’t have to be all negative? What if the process of change (yes, change can hard) could happen with a supportive partner, at your pace, with your

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